How to Critter-Proof Your Garden


David Deem

Nothing is more frustrating to gardeners than having their hard work and investment ruined by deer, rabbits and other creatures. Fortunately, there are a few steps you can take to help prevent or minimize damage from animals, without resorting to harsh and environmentally damaging chemicals. Consider the following strategies to start prepping your garden this fall. 

Identify the culprit. To prevent damage from critters, you must first know who you’re dealing with. Neatly clipped stems and twigs are usually a sign of rabbits, but if you’re seeing ragged and torn leaves, that’s most likely deer. If you have security cameras installed on your property or a Ring doorbell system, you might be able to catch the intruder in the act.

Plant strategically. Get to know the plants native to your area that are resistant to animals. Your landscaper or local plant and garden store can help you select the right ones for your yard. Plant them abundantly and closely together to prevent animals from browsing. 

Consider fencing. You might want to consider building a barrier for your garden bed, especially if you’re planting fruits and vegetables. Keep in mind that deer can jump up to eight feet high, so make sure any fencing is high enough and also includes wiring. Netting and tree tubes can also help.

Utilize scents. Wildlife is often repelled by particular scents, such as hot pepper or peppermint. Lavender will also work while adding great color and texture to your garden.

Think about texture. Cleomes and asparagus ferns are difficult for animals to chew, and will add lots of visual interest to your garden. Fuzzy plants, such as verbena, will also help turn deer away, as will thorny plants like roses.

Plant zinnias. Zinnias will add long-lasting bursts of color throughout your yard while turning deer away due to its heartburn-like after effects.

Your best bet is to try a variety of the above options to let your local wildlife know that your garden is not their best option for snacking.



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