Drowning Out City Noise at Night

David Deem

Some people love the sounds of the city—the urban hum is a natural sound machine to them. For others, trucks rumbling down the street, police sirens, dogs barking, and even loud conversations can keep them up all night long. If you fall into the latter category, losing sleep can go from being an annoyance to a major source of stress, fast. Here are some easy ways to solve this common city-living problem:

Invest in a Really Good White Noise Machine
There are plenty of excellent options, many of which can be conveniently synced with your smartphone. Choose whatever noise soothes you to sleep, from crashing waves of the ocean to static “white noise” sounds.

Fortify Your Windows
Own your apartment? Then it’s a great idea to invest in triple pane window glass. Renting and don’t have that option? Simply covering windows with heavier drapes can drown out some noise. 

Lay Down Carpet
If noise is coming from your neighbor below you, installing a carpet or rug can mute their conversations or TV program. And if the noise is coming from above, ask your landlord to encourage that renter to do the same (in many cities, having some sort of area rug is required by law to control noise pollution). 

Check for Gaps
Spaces between windows, doors or walls can let street or building noise in, and sealing those up can quickly quiet things down. 

Move Your Bed Around
This may seem simple, but it’s worth noting…if your bed is against the wall to the outside, reconfiguring your furniture can be an almost instant solution. 

Hire a Professional Soundproofing Company
There are pros who can come in and identify ways to better seal sound out without causing damage (particularly important if you’re renting). They can be little pricey, but anyone who has suffered from insomnia can tell you a good night’s sleep is usually worth it! 



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