Removing Wallpaper Doesn't Have to be Difficult - Follow These Tips for an Easy Transformation

David Deem

By John Voket, RISMedia Columnist

Anyone who has ever wallpapered or removed wallpaper from a room in their home knows how tedious the job can be. Jennifer Grinter, an agent with LG Real Estate in Carey, NC ( offers some advice for homeowners who are looking to save a lot of trouble before the wallpapering process even begins as well as down the road when you are remodeling and have found a different wallpaper that fits your current style.

Tapping various personal and professional resources, as well as her own experience, Grinter suggests before you ever install wallpaper, you can save yourself tons of grief years later by sizing your walls before hanging the first sheet.

"Sizing is a primer product you put on the wall to prepare it for wallpaper," Grinter stated in a recent blog. "This preparation allows the wallpaper to adhere better and allows for easier removal of the wallpaper later on."

Her step-by-step advice for removing wallpaper is as follows:

Step 1. Decide if you want help or not. Simple? Of course you want help...but maybe not. Unless you have two of all the tools, start at opposite ends, and have someone you work really well with, you will eventually need the same tool at the same time and will likely get frustrated with your helper.

Step 2. Try to remove the top printed layer of wallpaper first. If there is a border in the room in which you are working, start there.

Step 3. If the top doesn't come off easily, be patient as this may take a bit longer.

Step 4. Once you have removed the top layer, spray with Dif and let it sit for 10 minutes.

Step 5. Try to remove remaining wallpaper with a scrapper, rag or fingers.

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