Tips to Prep Your Pool for Swimming Season

David Deem

Pool owners are likely looking forward to making a big splash this summer season, with hours of endless fun in the sun right in their own backyard. But before summer starts in full, you'll need to get your pool prepped for swimmability. Pool fence manufacturer LOOP-LOC offers the following tips for prepping your pool area for swimming season.

Maintain your pool's water level. One of the first things you'll notice when you open your pool is how much water is in it. Chances are, you'll need to top off the water to bring it to an appropriate level. The best way to do this is by taking a hose and filling up the pool to the proper level. This will need to be done periodically throughout the summer. The more usage your pool gets, the more often you'll have to top off the water. Also note, that when you close your pool at the end of the swimming season, the water should not be drained from the pool. Draining the water entirely may cause lifting and result in the pool needing to be replaced.

Clean the pool. There is nothing fun about swimming in an unclean pool. Dirt, leaves, twigs, and bugs will all land in your pool during the course of the season. From the time the pool is opened to the time it closes, it will need constant skimming and vacuuming. Skim the items found on the surface of your pool. The sooner you get to these items, the less work the vacuum will have to do. Pool vacuums typically can't pick up larger items, so you'll also want to skim those whether they are on the surface or have sunk to the bottom. After you have fully skimmed your pool, you can begin to vacuum in order to remove dirt and debris from its depths. Don't forget to scrub the edges of your pool as well. Those are areas where bacteria may build up and could cause an infestation. An algae outbreak is a quick way to put a damper on your summer festivities.

Balance those pool chemicals. After the colder months, it may take some time to get your pool's chemical levels back to the proper place. The quickest way to do this is to have a sample of your pool’s water professionally tested. Keep in mind that a pool's chemical levels change constantly. While an at-home kit will provide you with everything you need to test the water, you should still have a professional test it once a month.

Make sure your filter is clean. Be sure pool filters are cleaned before the first use and periodically throughout the summer. Every filter needs to be cleaned differently, so be sure to communicate with a professional to find out how to care for your particular model. Once the filter is clean, turn it on and watch it work.

Source: LOOP-LOC



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