Replace or Repair? Maintaining a Faulty HVAC Unit

David Deem

Your HVAC unit controls the temperature in your home, and if you keep it clean and well-tuned, it should last you quite a long time. But if you're having issues with your HVAC, you may be wondering if you should repair it, or replace it. Joseph Giannone Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning recommends to carefully consider the benefits and costs of either option to find the best solution for the circumstances.

"If you expect your HVAC to last several more years, even expensive repairs can be a good investment," says Joseph Giannone, owner of Joseph Giannone Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning. "But spending hundreds of dollars to repair an old and inefficient system usually isn't worth it in the long run. A new energy-efficient HVAC might be the more expensive option right now, but you'll save money over time."

Consider the following from Joseph Giannone Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning.

Age matters. The age of the heating and cooling system is one of the most important factors to consider. Modern HVAC units generally last 10-15 years. If your system is 10 years or older, replacement is usually the better option. A new unit will offer improved energy efficiency, lowering utility bills. It will also require less maintenance and repair.

What's that noise? If your HVAC runs frequently, is noisy or requires frequent expensive repairs, or if you've noticed an increase in your heating or cooling bill, Giannone suggests some simple DIY maintenance. Changing the air filter, cleaning the registers, clearing debris around outside units or replacing an old thermostat can significantly improve the performance of your HVAC.

"While there's no simple formula that works for everyone, there are guidelines to help you make this tough decision," Giannone says. "If your HVAC isn't keeping your home cool, or it's costing you more and more money to operate it, check with a licensed professional who can discuss all the options that are available. The ultimate goal is to keep you and your family comfortable and find a solution that offers the best value."

Source: Joseph Giannone Plumbing, Heating & Air Conditioning



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