Creating Cleaner Indoor Air, Today Courtesy of The Deem Team


Creating more airflow is an important step to improving your indoor environment, but considerations like air quality should not be overlooked. More air is a good thing, but more clean air is better yet.

Everyday home life activities such as cooking, showering, lighting candles, sleeping and doing laundry can all contribute to polluted indoor air, which over time can lead to the development of illnesses.

These tips from the indoor climate experts at Velux can help make the air inside your home healthier:

- Keep bathroom doors closed and turn on the extractor fan or open a window or skylight when showering.

- Turn the hood fan on when cooking and open your windows, if weather permits.

- Avoid burning candles excessively; look for alternatives such as sprigs of lavender to add a natural fresh scent.

- Dry clothes outside when possible, which reduces carbon emissions from the dryer and minimizes potential pollutants traveling through the dryer vent.- Clean regularly with non-chemical based cleaning products, and pay attention to ingredients in cleaning products that may create hazardous fumes.


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