How to Organize Your Laundry Room

David Deem

You and your family probably do several loads of laundry per week. Your laundry room may be a tight space and things may feel chaotic if the area isn’t well organized. Here are some tips to make the best use of the space you have available. 

Consider the Placement of the Washer and Dryer
If your laundry room is small, choose a stackable washer and dryer. That will give you more floor space to sort and fold laundry and perform other tasks. 

If your laundry room doesn’t have a door, you can hang a curtain to separate it from the living areas. A curtain, however, will not do nearly as much as a door to block out sound from the washer and dryer.

If you have a washer and dryer in the kitchen or bathroom, install custom cabinets and put the machines inside. That will keep the room looking organized and will also reduce the amount of noise you will hear while doing laundry. Another option is to separate the areas with a dividing wall. 

Install a Counter and Shelves
Use a countertop to sort clothes and treat stains before you put laundry in the washer. A counter can also be a good place to fold clothes right after you take them out of the dryer so they don’t get wrinkled.

Install some shelves to hold detergent, dryer sheets and other supplies. Keep items that you use often within easy reach and put others on upper or lower shelves or in cabinets. Store hazardous supplies in places where young kids won’t be able to reach them. 

Use clear storage containers or place labels on the outsides of containers so you can easily find what you need. If your favorite detergent and fabric softener come in large, awkwardly shaped bottles, you may be able to save space by transferring them to glass containers in more common shapes. 

Use Space on the Door
Take advantage of space on the back of the laundry room door to hang your ironing board and other items that you want to keep out of the way most of the time. Use an organizational unit on the door to keep supplies accessible and to keep the laundry room from becoming cluttered.

Hang Rods to Dry Delicates
Install one or more rods to air-dry clothes that can’t go in the dryer. Another option is to install a pull-down drying rack that can be kept out of the way when it isn’t being used. 

Other Storage Ideas
If you have a side-by-side washer and dryer, slide your ironing board in between them. Utilize space under cabinets and counters for storage and place pegs or hooks on the walls to keep hangers, lint rollers and other supplies easily accessible.




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